Source code for sharedmock.asserters

from pprint import pformat

[docs]def assert_calls_equal(expected, actual): """ Check whether the given mock object (or mock method) calls are equal and return a nicely formatted message. """ if not expected == actual: raise_calls_differ_error(expected, actual)
[docs]def raise_calls_differ_error(expected, actual): """ Raise an AssertionError with pretty print format for the given expected and actual mock calls in order to ensure consistent print style for better readability. """ expected_str = pformat(expected) actual_str = pformat(actual) msg = '\nMock calls differ!\nExpected calls:\n{}\nActual calls:\n{}'.format( expected_str, actual_str ) raise AssertionError(msg)
[docs]def assert_calls_equal_unsorted(expected, actual): """ Raises an AssertionError if the two iterables do not contain the same items. The order of the items is ignored """ for expected in expected: if expected not in actual: raise_calls_differ_error(expected, actual)